OMEXOM GA Energo s.r.o. is a major provider of electrical installations for power producers and distributors.
It specializes in the repair and construction of power lines of all voltage levels (LV, MV, HV) and the construction, renovation and modernization of substations and transformers.
We provide an emergency service for line constructions in the power distribution and transmission system.
Our main customers include ČEPS, a.s., ČEZ Group, E.ON Česká republika, s.r.o., PREdistribuce, a.s., leading manufacturing companies, construction companies, infrastructure equipment and building suppliers, private investors, cities, municipalities and others.
Our corporate policy building blocks are quality, OHS and environmental protection. These policies govern the company’s entire professional team, which includes almost four hundred specialists.
The company started its operations in 1993, and now has 17 branches all over the Czech Republic and a subsidiary, OMEXOM Slovakia.
In 2015, we joined the Omexom brand, which is part of VINCI, a world leader in concessions, construction and energy. The Omexom brand includes companies operating in electricity generation, distribution and transformation in 37 countries.