This year’s first job fair took place on 15 March at the University of West Bohemia in Pilsen. Our company is a regular participant of the fair and it was obvious that students already know our company.
“The students already have a lot of information from the online environment, but even so, they were eager to know what our company does and what job vacancies we offer,” says Lucie Walterová from the HR department of OMEXOM GA Energo. Karel Křížek, Head of the LV, HV Projects area, was also available at the stand to describe the work of the designers, what programs they use and what is designed in our company.
Most often students associate OMEXOM GA Energo with Smart City Polygon, which many of them are familiar with. “Students have heard of our company, they know where we are based and roughly what we do. It is obvious that promotion and marketing campaigns work,” concludes Lucie Walterová.
The next trade fair called PerFEKT JobFair VUT will take place on 25 April in Brno. Our blue stand will welcome students there again.