An all-terrain stroller, a combined wheelchair and a trip to Špičák Mountain. For some, these may be ordinary things, but for a child care facility, this is a great help and also a great joy. These gifts were given to underprivileged children thanks to a financial donation from OMEXOM GA Energo.
“The Children’s Centre in Pilsen and the Children’s Home in Trnová are such a favourite of ours. We have been helping both facilities financially for a couple of years, and this time, we wanted to contribute to the purchase of something that will make the children happy or make it easier for the staff to care for them,” explains Zdeněk Židek, CEO of OMEXOM GA Energo. In December, the company donated CZK 50,000 to the Children’s Centre Plzeň, and CZK 20,000 to the Trnová Children’s Home. In the early 2023, the facilities made purchases and in March the children went on a stay in the mountains.
“Thirty thousand Czech korunas were used by Chmelnice branch of our Children’s Centre to purchase an instrument trolley for the health sector. The trolley is used to store medical tools and materials and will help the nurses in caring for the children. We are increasingly caring for medically disadvantaged children with various degrees of disability, which places greater demands on specialist health care. We also offer respite services to families who care for their disabled child at home,” says Jana Tytlová, director of the facility. For the remaining CZK 20,000, Partyzánská branch of the Children’s Centre purchased two sports – all-terrain strollers. “We use the strollers for small children who cannot do the whole walk. We use them most during our convalescent stay in the mountains in the Kašperské hory Mountains, where we go twice a year. The existing ‘fleet’ needed to be renewed, so we are glad that OMEXOM GA Energo helped us financially,” adds Jana Tytlová.
Helena Tichá, the director of the Trnová Children’s Home, was excited about the donation: “We used the donated amount for a recreational and curative stay for children at Špičák Mountain in the Malá Paříž Hotel. We had originally planned to send the children there in January, but we were hit by high sickness rate. So, we moved the stay to March; the weather was good, because it had snowed and the children could ride bobsleighs and build a snowman. The donation covered the cost of our stay and transport. Many thanks to all of you!”
OMEXOM GA Energo contributes to the facilities for underprivileged children on a regular basis and not only financially. For example, we are planning to do spring garden clean-up at the children’s home in Trnová, with the participation of our employees.